Sunday, June 24, 2007

Hip Hibiscus #6

I'm in the way
I'm on my way

keep seeing magnified parts of the same whole
becoming stretched out.

Too small for these hands to fit
Instead I'm just poking air holes
in the atmosphere to hold breaths
and save it

The vibration of glowing orange
glows radiant in my blood stream
permeating through this paper bag of skin when wet and soaked

Its brown a background

to compliment the others

when broken into cubes

that mapped my tattered flag

With the anticipation of evolution
of more dictionaries

staggering gracefully to the cutting card boards
of billboards and lighting up grids

Better vision to see through muddy orifices
that are cancerous on the concert sidewalks of my favorite bars
and what used to be some kids gum on the floor

A past life
Its half life
of you and me as we or not at all

as casual dismissal across glances

Where nothing happens

and i am a parody
of every stranger
you've ever met

a colleague of infliction
god have me manifest

so you could see it move
and be animated

don't stop your car
when you see me on freeways

don't say why
don't stop your car
just look

I am on my way
i am in the way

I am on my way


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