Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Magical Merrigold #2

He puts extra whip cream in my morning hot chocolate. I never instructed him to do so; he just does.

I’ve stopped popping my knuckles in front of him, not that he’s ever yelled at me, but because I can remember the wince on his face when I used to do it frequently.

I pick the radio stations, he picks the movies, and since we can never agree on cold cereals, we’ve become accustomed to buying two boxes each week.

The heinous tie isn’t mentioned, and he expects me to be running 10 minutes late.

My entire life I’ve been waiting for some Hollywood love saga to unfold, but in the end, these little un-dramatic bits of love have made me happier than I have ever known.

I love him. He loves me. I want to marry him, and for some glorious reason he wants to marry me. It’s a nice arrangement, don’t you think?


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